Facebook Business Pages are Dead...


I'm sure you have posted many things on your Facebook page and for some, it may feel like walking outside naked. Everyone is seeing you!

But really no, you're not being seen.

I have noticed that many persons have this misconception that being visible simply means posting on your business page. But no it's not. And even if, no one is REALLY seeing you.

A study from Edgerank Checker found that between February 2012 and March 2014, organic reach for the average Facebook Page dropped from 16% to 6.5%. Research from Social@Ogilvy, meanwhile, suggests that for Pages with more than 500,000 Likes, organic reach could be as low as 2%."
HubSpot Blog

It's more like walking outside in a hijab. In reality, ever since FB changed up their algorithms since the day they launched advertising for business pages things just don't go viral as they used too.

The want you to pay. That is the long and short and that's fine. Facebook Ads are a very affordable option for small businesses on a budget you can spend as much as you want or as little as you want. Hence why it's a favourite for many.

Does this mean you need to neglect your business page? NO! You NEED your business page to run FB ads. It's required to run FB Ads and FB Ads is a great way to grow your community and advertise your services.

Grow my community? 


You need people to buy from you right, you have a special offer or you simply want to boost sales. FB Ads is a great tool to use to send persons to a landing page or sales page where they sign up for your offering or simply to sign up for your email list where you can continue to nurture and share valuable information to a warm list. 

Additionally, FB ads is a great way to advertise your FB Group if you are utilizing that feature.

"In order to create a Facebook Ad for your group, you’ll have to do a “work-around”, since FB doesn’t allow you to use a link that leads to a closed group in an ad. Instead, what you’ll want to do is send your ad clicks to a landing page! I love this method because it grows your group AND your email list at the same time! Once people sign up to join, either have the link to the group in the first email they receive or invite them to the group directly using their email address!"
TIP from Huffington Post

In a nutshell Facebook Pages are great for paid advertisement purposes and to show your Facebook Online profile because potential customers do look to see if you have a presence on a Facebook but when it comes to closing sales, being visible and gaining credibility and the LIKE, KNOW and TRUST formula, you need to find other ways for engagement. Video is one of the best FREE options for your Facebook Page to get visible on the actual business page and redirect that visibility to your other platforms.



A Logo is NOT a Brand