
5 Essential Steps to Starting or Transitioning to Online Business in Trinidad & Tobago

In light of the current Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic sweeping the world right now, many people are being forced to look at working remotely. There are also many non-business owners and non-business owners needing to get creative and are turning to online business methods or simply having an interest in getting into online business at this time.

While COVID-19 is very serious, we can also look to see the silver lining and the opportunities to get very innovative in our business or maybe new businesses can be born because we now have a period of isolation which may move you to notice unique opportunities you may have never noticed before.

As an online business owner working remotely, running an online business, that is my online brand agency, House of Branding, and being in online business since 2011, I decided to offer up a quick crash course/ tips for small business owners in Trinidad and Tobago on how to get into online business.

Online business in Trinidad and Tobago may seem mysterious to many nationals and you just don’t know where to begin, you may even think its not possible. But it’s actually very feasiable and we have MANY tools available to do online business.

So I am going to cover an over-simplified version of the steps you need to consider to get into online business or take your current business to incorporate online business methods.

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