Should You Start a Podcast to Build your Brand
Hey guys, today I finally was able to record another podcast episode for you guys and today the topic is podcasts it was inspired by a few people who wanted to know how to get started and I noticed some are waiting to have certain equipment to get started.
And this is something I wanted to talk to you about. Podcasting can be such a option for content creation for your Brand and so I cover a few things that will help you make the decision on if this is something you want to get started with.
So in this episode I share:
- my tips with Podcasting
- my experience with podcasting thus far
- how to easily create a podcast using a particular website
- what equipment you'll need
- the ideal length of a podcast
- how often you should publish a podcast
and everything else in between.
As usual let me know what you think in the comments section below and be sure to subscribe to the podcast by visiting this link here.