[PODCAST] When It's Time To Pivot in Your Business
We're now at Episode #14, ahhhh the podcast is really in it's teenage years haha
So with growth comes a little bit of change and in this episode I get really vulnerable. It's on the aspect of pivoting. As you all know insanity is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results.
In this episode:
- you will learn about becoming laser-focused on who you want to ATTRACT and focusing on them ONLY
- being true to your ideal client and not settling
- being unapologetic about who you are for, who you serve and who you DON'T
- how to work with your best clients or customers
Everything is not for everybody and the same rings true for your business, you don't serve everyone, you are not for everyone and guess what that's okay. As usual I am accompanied by the sweet sounds of the birds in the background. They're my ambience okay.